Day 2267 | St. Nick’s Day 2021
/Happy St. Nick’s Day, everyone. I hope you all woke up with coins in your shoes and a bit of extra holiday cheer this morning.
Happy St. Nick’s Day, everyone. I hope you all woke up with coins in your shoes and a bit of extra holiday cheer this morning.
Another big night out in the city for us! We saw the tree lit up and enjoyed the fire rings and some delicious hot cocoa. Also, there were about six of us there (during an organized evening!). There are definite perks to small-city living.
Look how cute our sweet downtown is! Perfect evening for a holiday stroll.
We wrapped up the book donation project on Tuesday and we’re excited to report some of our final results. We won’t know total book numbers until we go shopping this weekend (one of our favorite parts!!), but I’ve got three updates for you:
We ended up with 52 total donations (whether book drop-offs, gift cards, or monetary). Slightly down from last year, but there’s still hope for making our goal!
Sixty-one books showed up at our door. Significantly down from last year—it’s interesting to think about why that might be the case.
Donations came in from 15 different states. An increase from last year…thanks to all of you out-of-state supporters!
We’ll be in touch when we’ve done some of our shopping. :)
While our library is under construction, they’re hosting some of their normal activities at off-sight locations. Tonight, they hosted a glass ornament workshop for kids at The Glass Orchard. It was very cool. I’ve been meaning to get out to that orchard/glass shop for years and I finally had an excuse. They make such beautiful pieces. It’s super inspiring.
It’s hard to say if our ornaments will turn out decent (we had to leave them to go in the kiln), but I’ll keep you posted.
One of my favorites turned fourteen (14!!!) this weekend. Sheesh. She’s taller than me and everything. I’m so glad we could help her celebrate the big day in person. I can just tell it’s going to be a really great year for her. ❤️❤️
Just one day left for our little book donation project. Can you believe it’s been two weeks already?!? The project has looked a little different this year—we’ve had fewer in-person drop offs, for example—but it’s been such an enjoyable experience. I have a sinking suspicion we won’t meet our goal, but we’ll see how close we come when we get all the shopping done. Stay tuned!
For those that have donated, thank you! Still thinking about it? You’ve still got time! Click here.
We’ve had a lovely weekend with family but I haven’t taken any photos! Here’s this one, at least, of the boys (and their cousin!) with some books for our donation project. We’re even working hard while we’re on vacation!
There’s nothing better than spending the day with family you don’t see enough, you know? It was a day full of fun, laughter, and delicious food. You can’t beat that. I hope your Thanksgiving was just as lovely.
The official countdown has started. And we have a paper chain to prove it. Robbe wants Santa to come tomorrow. I want at least 10 more weeks of prep time to get all of my Christmas to-dos accomplished.
We got to spend a good chunk of our day with this little nugget…my nephew, the boys’ cousin! I forget how much work six month old babies are, but we had such a fun time with him. And, I have to say, it gave me all the feels to be pushing a baby in our old stroller again.
Robbe and I played this fun game at the library this afternoon. Have I mentioned how much I love the library? We’ve managed to successfully transition to the temporary space but that doesn’t mean I don’t wish for it to be within walking distance again! Only one year left!
It might seem a bit early but with travel planned for next weekend, it was now or December. We couldn’t wait that long! Is there anything better than the smell of a fresh-cut tree while listening to Christmas music and the nostalgia of digging through ornaments? One of my favorite traditions, without question.
This might be one of my favorite types of Friday nights. Call me boring…I don’t mind.
The weather has turned and you know what that means…board game season! We love our board games around here and tonight we introduced the boys to an old favorite of ours: Pirate’s Cove. It was a hit…with only a minor meltdown about it not being “fair”. We’ll call it a win. Stay tuned for more family favorites as the cold weather months continue.
The boys rocked their fall piano recital on Friday. Chase played The Batman Theme Song and Robbe played The Pirate Song. If you’re dying to hear their songs, good news! I forced them to record a video on Friday before we headed to the recital. Enjoy!
That’s right! Our *little* book donation project is back again this year! We’ve set even higher goals for the 2021 book drive, so please consider supporting us if you can. Even just a $1 or $2 would help!
Click on over to the Give a Kid a Book Project page here on my website for all the details. We’re hoping to spread the love this holiday season and appreciate any support you can offer.
The dates for this year’s project are November 15-30. Plenty of time to get the books over to the library for holiday gifting!
It didn’t last long and it didn’t accumulate, but it still counts. Mark down November 12 as the first snow of the winter.
The last few weeks have been crazy around here (can you tell by my less-than-consistent posts?!?). Sometimes what you need is a good reminder to slow down and take time to do something you enjoy. Read a book, for example…with a bunny by your side, preferably.
Robbe went from soccer last month to basketball this month. Thankfully, this little camp is just once a week, which is much easier for me to manage. He was a dribbling expert today (that’s him in the red shirt)! And it turns out Chase and I make a pretty good cheering squad. I’m excited to see the progress he makes over the next six weeks.
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