Day 2247 | Wizard of Oz

We got to watch a high school performance of The Wizard of Oz today…with my niece as Dorothy!! She rocked it (while handling a real-life Toto the entire time). It really was a family effort with my other sweet niece acting as choreographer + hair and makeup expert, my amazing sister in-law as co-director, and my talented brother in charge of set and props. Seriously, such an inspiring display of dedication and community from all of them. Have I told you how much I love musicals?!?

Day 2244 | Book Festival Snapshot

The book festival wrapped up on Friday and all the events were really inspiring and thought provoking and interesting. The group of volunteers that selects authors really outdid themselves this year. And the live + virtual options worked out perfectly. Now there are just a few odds and ends to take care of and we can all take a bit of a breather. Thanks to any of you that joined us for an event. I hope you enjoyed the authors as much as I did.

Day 2243 | Halloween 2021 - Poseidon and Ares

Halloween 2021 was a big success. We had a Greek mythology theme featuring Ares, God of War (Robbe) and Poseidon, God of the Sea (Chase). The boys came up with the costume ideas all on their own. Pretty sweet choices, don’t you think? A special shout-out goes out to my mom for helping me with my vision. I couldn’t have done it without her. I love a good homemade costume….can you tell?

Halloweens Past

Enjoy a quick history of all of the boys’ costumes over the years. I love looking back at all these photos, so I thought you might as well.

2020 - Legends of Zelda Family Costume
2019 - Ninjas
2018 - King and Knight
2017 - Scientist and Spider
2016 - Frozone and Tool Guy
2015 - Firefighter and Dalmation
2014 - Hedgehogs
2013 + 2012 - Goldfish and Owl (just Chase)

Day 2241 | A New [Favorite] Mural


Isn’t this so beautiful? It’s entitled “Sanctuary” and it’s my new favorite mural in the city. It’s funny how that’s a category in my life now. Yay for public art!

I can’t get a link to work right now (technology and I are in a bit of a fight these days), but here’s an article about the mural if you want to learn more:

Day 2239 | Book Festival Starts Today

The book festival is officially underway. If you’re local, I hope you’ve seen some of our promotional materials and are already signed up for an event or two (or all of them). If you’re not local, good news! All six of our author events are being streamed live (at no cost). I’ve been living and breathing these events and books for the last five months and I’m beyond excited to actually hear the authors speak. I might be a bit biased, but I think these are going to be thought-provoking, and entertaining, and educational. Please join us!


Day 2235 | Library Progress


You know about our love for the library by now, right? And how it has temporarily moved while the building goes through a massive renovation? Yep. That’s still going on…for about another year yet. We’ve been frequenting the temporary location and are so thankful to still have access to all those books (because we didn’t have that at the beginning of Covid), but, man, do I miss walking to the library as a fun outing with the boys. I walked by it today and couldn’t help but miss spending time there. We’ll be counting down the days until reopening over here!

Day 2232 | Free Roaming

It turns out bunnies aren’t huge fans of hardwood floors. Their adorable furry paws can’t get traction, I guess. This has worked out well for us as Flopsy gets used to our house (and the excessive volume of the youngest residents), but now that he’s acclimated, we wanted to give him more space to roam. Enter…the carpet tiles. For $3/each, we connected our rugged family room with our carpeted living/dining room. All of a sudden Flopsy’s roaming space tripled! And he’s very excited about it.

Day 2229 | Apple Strudel Muffins


I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a recipe. I swear I’ve been making some really delicious meals and treats lately…I just never think about taking a photo before I dive in. Not this time. I just knew these muffins were going to be amazing. I even used some of the fresh-picked Cortland apples from our apple picking trip last weekend. What’s better than that? This recipe made 12 muffins and I still had some batter left over so I made a mini loaf out of it, too. Twelve muffins AND a mini loaf? That makes the recipe even better! Try it. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Apple Strudel Muffins


Muffin batter:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • ½ teaspoon baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • ½ cup butter

  • 2 [heaping] tablespoons apple sauce

  • ½ cup white sugar

  • ½ cup brown sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 teaspoons vanilla

  • 1 cup grated apples

  • ½ cups chopped apples

Strudel topping:

  • ⅓ cup packed brown sugar

  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour

  • ⅛ teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1 tablespoon butter


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease a 12 cup muffin pan (or use liners).

  2. In a medium bowl, mix flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

  3. In a large bowl, beat together butter, sugars, applesauce, and eggs until smooth. Mix in vanilla. Stir in apples, and gradually blend in the flour mixture. Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin pan.

  4. In a small bowl, mix brown sugar, flour and cinnamon. Cut in butter until mixture is like coarse crumbs. Sprinkle over tops of mixture in muffin pan.

  5. Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Allow to sit 5 minutes before removing muffins from pan. Cool on a wire rack. *If you end up with extra batter and want to make a mini loaf in addition to the muffins, I let mine cook an extra 6 minutes.