Day 2227 | A New Favorite Photo
/I’m in love with this photo. It’s my new favorite.
Photo credit: Chris
I’m in love with this photo. It’s my new favorite.
Photo credit: Chris
Even after five years, I will never forget how lucky we are to be able to pop down for a birthday dinner.
We’ve been waiting for a fall weather day so we could go apple picking (I refuse to pick apples in 80 degrees). Today was the day. It was mid-60s and perfect for a fun fall outing. We popped over to our favorite orchard and enjoyed a wagon ride, a corn maze, some outdoor games, delicious apple treats, and picked enough apples to last us the winter (or at least it feels that way). We also found this adorable rope swing. What a photo op!
I have a feeling I’ll be trying out some yummy apple recipes in my near future.
I promised a big reveal, and here it is! We adopted a Mini Flop bunny named Flopsy. It was quite the process to win over the rescue organization, but we did it and Flopsy came home tonight. The best news? He’s litter trained and should be able to free roam around the house most of the time. Fun, right? You know I’ll keep you all posted on the adorable bunny antics happening around here.
I’ll post this right here as a teaser. More details tomorrow. I promise.
Robbe got to go on a field trip to the Beaver Creek Nature Reserve and I got to go with! It’s been a long time since these kids have had a field trip and this one was just about perfect. A gorgeous day spent in nature discovering bugs, exploring the creek, and learning a lot. Robbe loved every second and, honestly, so did I.
We dropped the boys off at my brother and sister in-law’s house last night and had a crazy fun evening celebrating two friends and their new life together. It turns out leaving the house can be kind of awesome.
We visited these ginormous pumpkins today. They were as advertised.
Isn’t this the cutest little flower arrangement? The kindness of others goes a long way to brighten a day, doesn’t it?
This is just what I needed after a day like today: snuggle time with my favorite humans (Chris was there, too, but someone needed to take the photo). Also, a couple episodes of Lego Masters. That was a nice bonus.
Sunday felt Ike summer. Today was decidedly fall. And it felt pretty wonderful.
We attended today’s 4-H meeting in a barn! Nothing screams 4-H more than that.
Today was the day for picking our pumpkins! They’re perfect, aren’t they? And very heavy. Now they just need to survive the next month so we can carve them. Fingers crossed!
We thought we’d be crazy tonight and grab some takeout for an impromptu picnic in hopes of taking advantage of a beautiful evening. It turns out the restaurant we decided on closed at 5:30pm. What?!? The backup plan ended up being an indoor restaurant a block away. It was still delicious but not quite the al fresco experience we were looking for. At least I didn’t have to cook!
I haven’t been taking many photos lately but I ran across this beaut in my camera roll from last week. It’s a new sculpture down the road from us. Funny, right?
The book festival newspapers are printed and being distributed around town. If you haven’t already, check out the lineup of authors. I have a feeling you’ll see something you like. And all events have a virtual option so there’s no reason you can’t participate!
Ever since we read a book that included the main character drinking bubble tea (months…maybe years ago), the boys have been interested. This weekend we made it happen. As you might expect, they were surprised and slightly underwhelmed. Haha. At least we know!
Also, the boys had their faces painted (as cats, in case that’s not obvious), so that’s what’s going on there.
We convinced the little one to go on a sunset bike ride with us tonight. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect. As much as I enjoyed the moment it did make me a bit sad to realize these warm evenings are coming to an end. I do love fall and how the pace of life slows down a bit as the temperatures drop, but, man, it’s hard to beat nights like this.
It’s hard not to force the boys to pose all the time when you live in a city as pretty as this one.
Part of our Labor Day weekend plans included a trip further up north to visit the Telemark ruins (what’s left of the resort we visited a lot throughout my childhood), do a little hiking, and a stop in Hayward to grab some candy. It was such a gorgeous end to the summer.
small city | BIG DAYS
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