Day 2766 | My Favorites
/This crew makes my heart very happy.
This crew makes my heart very happy.
These two kept me company for a bit during work today. They aren’t great with social cues but they sure are cute.
Look at these! I can’t handle the cuteness. And the warm beverages from Phoenix Coffee taste delicious, too. Win-win!
These kittens do get themselves into some odd sleeping situations. This might be one of my favorites so far.
Robbe is back at rock climbing this fall and today he got on the big wall–his favorite! According to his report, he even maneuvered the hardest route. Woohoo!
BOOK DONATION UPDATE: We’re a couple of days in and things have been going well with the book drive. Thanks to everyone who has already supported us! If it’s still on your list, you’ve got plenty of time (we’re collecting through November 30). Click here for all the details.
Who would have thought pinball would be our frequent activity of choice at this point in life? Not me! But I kind of like it.
We’re back with the Give a Kid a Book project for 2024! Marshall’s taking the lead this year, so we’re hoping for the best book drive yet. Will you help us meet our goal of reaching 400 books? We’ll be collecting them between now and November 30. Online, in-person, and monetary donations are all accepted!
Robbe hosted three classmates after school today for an experiment in making popping boba. I had zero knowledge about boba before and now I can brag about being able to make it. You never know where your parenting journey is going to take you.
Do you want to know what the hardest part of being a work-from-home cat owner is? Watching them nap ALL DAY LONG. Nothing makes you more tired. Trust me.
It’s been a bit again but we were back up at the lake this weekend and it was wonderful. Reading, puzzling, games, delicious food, crafting, hot tubbing. AND Chris and my dad finally took down this dangling branch. I know! Huge accomplishments all around.
I’m posting this today so we can look back and remember how crazy it is that these flowers are still blooming on November 8. I like it, but it also freaks me out.
Chase had his first-ever interview today and it sounds like it went really well! He’s hoping to attend Space Camp in the spring and this was the first step in that process. Pretty cool, right?
When the temperatures drop and the daylight fades, the board games come out. I mean, we’ve been playing board games all summer, but this is really their season to shine. No more warm summer/early fall evening walks. Now it’s board game time after dinner.
Our oldest, in particular has been waiting for this moment for months.
This was last night. We all thought it was hysterical.
Our first ever puzzle competition! We did the family category so the boys were all involved, too! Karen, Robbe, and I even took first place. We’re kind of a big deal.
Halloween 2024 is in the books. And it was a good one! The weather was cold (and rainy/misty), but that couldn’t keep us down! Even our feline friends got in on it. We’ve got a classic banana, Marethyu (from the series The Legends of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel), and two Ty Beanie Babies. Robbe and his friend were out for a full two hours (and they had the candy to show for it). Chase and his friend (with a food costume theme, clearly) did their own thing and had a great time. Our kids are getting SO old. I love these ages so much.
Enjoy a quick history of all of the boys’ costumes over the years. I love looking back at all these photos, so I thought you might as well.
2023 - Dr. Strange and Nitten
2022 - Clone Trooper and Marethyu
2021 - Poseidon and Ares
2020 - Legends of Zelda Family Costume
2019 - Ninjas
2018 - King and Knight
2017 - Scientist and Spider
2016 - Frozone and Tool Guy
2015 - Firefighter and Dalmation
2014 - Hedgehogs
2013 + 2012 - Goldfish and Owl (just Chase)
Doing our part over here. Come on, Wisconsin. We can do this!
I guess it’s National Cat Day. Hooray! I found this gem that I hadn’t shared yet. Cats are the best.
These two love comics. And I love them. Perfect.
Look at this beauty! Every time it catches my eye, I’m in awe.
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