Day 2594 | Fall Colors
/I snuck out for a [very brief] stroll today and stumbled upon Fall. How did that happen, you know?
I snuck out for a [very brief] stroll today and stumbled upon Fall. How did that happen, you know?
Both boys got to be a big part of the book festival today! They were each selected to read their original work in front of an audience. I’ve linked both of their pieces below because I know you’re interested. We’re just so proud of our *published* authors.
Look at our sweet sixth grader’s artistic accomplishment! It’s really lovely to see him making his own way in a brand new school.
Look who popped over for a weekend visit! We did more than just play pinball, but that was a big part of it.
Remind me in February how much I enjoy waiting for the bus every morning with Robbe right now, ok? The mornings lately have been a total dream and it’s such a lovely way to ease into the day—with a short, three-block stroll. If feels good to breath in some fresh air knowing that I’ll be cooped up the rest of the day, you know?
Again, remind me of this in the dead of winter when it’s miserable outside. Much appreciated.
Our friendly neighborhood co-op is closing down in order to move to their bigger and fancier store down the street. We’ll miss this sweet little store and our quick walks for treats (mostly dried mango).
It’s not goodbye, it’s see you soon, Menomonie Market.
90 degrees in October means double swimming. The heated pool allowed for a longer swim, but the lake was definitely a bigger accomplishment. I happily watched from the sidelines.
After an early morning at the soccer field, we packed up and headed to the lake (for the first time in a long time!). As a little outing, we drove over to Christie Mountain for an impressive view of the fall colors. The chairlift option was a bust (crazy long lines), but the hike up the ski hill was fun and the view was quiet impressive.
We popped down to celebrate with the soon-to-be birthday boy tonight. These are the moments we continue to be thankful for—even after 7 years in Wisconsin.
Can you handle how cute they are?
Also old. Can you handle how old they look?
We dodged the raindrops today to visit the Gigantic Pumpkin Festival. Unfortunately, we were a bit late to see all the pumpkins on display but we caught this gem. Even though we might not have seen the biggest, those pumpkins didn’t disappoint.
One of my fall favorites: apple picking! We had a beautiful day for it and we’re thankful that the 4-H club gave us the extra motivation. I’ve got a fridge full of apples and I could be happier about it.
I held the bun up for this photo. He wasn’t thrilled about it. But he sure is cute.
Can you believe BOTH boys are taking the school bus this year? Robbe is riding in the morning and Chase takes the bus to AND from school. It’s crazy! I’ve driven them back and forth (minus about three days when we tried bussing last time) and now I’m officially off the hook in the morning.
There’s been a clear shift in the boys craving more independence—especially that older one. It’s a very sweet transition. Luckily, they both very much prioritize mom and dad time so I don’t have any of the sad feelings to go along with this…yet.
You’ve got to start them young, you know? And I was beyond grateful for their help today!
I did a thing today! A friend and I drove two hours to an author event…and it was really great. I have a greater appreciation for these types of events with all my book festival experience. It was really lovely to be just an attendee for once. And I’ve got a new book to add to my reading list now, too.
Man, today was a good day. We had a relaxing morning followed by a treasure hunting adventure at some neighborhood thrift sales. Robbe started soccer back up so we spent part of the afternoon cheering him on—with perfect sporting weather, too. Then we walked downtown and stopped by the library. Back in time for a yummy meal, an elaborate board game, and Badger football—all on our porch. It might not be everyone’s ideal day, but it felt pretty good to this family.
Thankfully, everyone is feeling better at our house today. We even snuck out for a post-dinner walk to check out the new mural. Pretty cool, right?
This is what the second day of school looked like for us. Strep caught Robbe already. At least he’ll get his one school-time sickness out of the way early! That was good planning.
This handsome guy started 4th grade today. I don’t think you could find a more excited kid to be going back to school. He was beyond ready, that’s for sure. And, from everything we heard, the day totally lived up to his expectations. Robbe is looking forward to rocking E2 (the 4th and 5th combined classroom at our school) this year.
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