Day 2387 | Downtown Stroll
/The boys and I enjoyed a lovely downtown stroll today while running a couple of errands. And then we stumbled upon this garbage bee. Pretty awesome, right?
The boys and I enjoyed a lovely downtown stroll today while running a couple of errands. And then we stumbled upon this garbage bee. Pretty awesome, right?
It was a beautiful morning for a bike ride. We tracked down this new mural and visited one of Eau Claire’s prettiest parks. We do have some fun, you know?
These two have been busy harvesting in the garden. It’s been a tough year for some of our plants (and the sneaky deer didn’t help), but you don’t have to worry about us going hungry. We have plenty of cucumbers to go around.
The boys and I drove an embarrassingly long distance to attend a “Romp & Spa” event put on by the rescue organization where we got Flopsy. And, let me tell you, it was worth every minute of the drive. Flopsy loved prancing around all his bunny friends and we loved taking in the whole scene. The boys tried to do a count and they estimated about 30 buns in attendance. It was hysterical. To top it off, Flops got his nails trimmed, too (hence the “spa” in the name). I’m not sure we’ll be back, but if the stars align again, it is tempting!
Can you tell we’ve been busy around here? Where do the days go, you know? Here’s hoping for a more relaxing and restorative last month of summer. We’re hoping to find some *extra time* in these busy days to just be. Wish us luck!
The boys have been taking swim lessons with a recent high school graduate this summer and it’s been really impressive to watch. The boys are being challenged with distance, honing the different strokes, and making some serious progress on their dives. Today they even used ducks on their foreheads to make sure their heads remained stable. There were some good chuckles about that.
It’s been awhile but we finally made it back to Point for some family time. It went by too quickly (as always), but we sure had fun. And lots of good belly laughs, too. We even squeezed in a birthday celebration.
We hiked/rock-scampered at one of our favorite places today. This place makes me so happy. And we walked away with just one wet shoe—a success!
Have you noticed something different about Robbe in some of the latest photos? He’s really into his blue hair. Thanks to Zoe for making dreams come true. And the best part (because I’m his mom), is that it’s temporary. Two dips in a swimming pool and he’s back to our sweet blondy. It’s a win-win for all of us!
Today’s adventure? A family bike ride back to High Bridge. It’s been closed for repairs for a long time but reopened this spring. Somehow it’s taken us this long to fit in a return trip. We can officially check it off the list.
And we decided to keep going and stop over to Little Niagara before heading home. We figured if we saw the real Niagara this summer, we needed to make sure to visit EC’s version, too.
All three of them…gone. Now I know what an empty nest feels like. We miss our little bird friends already. They were such good company and we learned a lot about bird-rearing along the way. Thanks for the memories, baby birds!
Check this out! It’s been years (at least I’m pretty sure) since it bloomed last but this orchid has been saving up for quite a show. Eighteen blossoms. Seriously. There are three off-shoots from one stem. It’s the craziest thing ever. Can you tell I love orchids? They make me so happy.
Chase is in an afternoon camp all week so Robbe and I have been enjoying all of the extra solo time. Today’s adventure included a bike ride, swimming, and a poolside card game. Fun, right? Who knows what else we’ll find to do!
Look how big they’re getting!
The boys competed in a kids Kubb tournament this morning—yeah, that’s a thing. They realized that they need to practice a bit more to take on the older kids (the kids can be up to eighth grade), but they had fun and Chris and I enjoyed cheering them on.
Never heard of Kubb? Look it up! It’s super fun.
Have you ever watched a game of ultimate frisbee? It’s intense. And impressive. Chris is playing in a parks and rec league this summer and we went to watch the game tonight. We’re all so proud of him for putting himself out there with a bunch of strangers to get back into the sport he enjoyed in a past life. He definitely can hold his own and we really enjoyed cheering him on.
After two failed attempts with this nest by our back door, there are finally baby birds. Third time is a charm, I guess! There are actually four baby robins (although you can only see three in this photo). I worked on the back porch and witnessed first had how hard the momma and dad robins had to work for these babies today. Bird-rearing is intense!
Also, tiny birds are both adorable and super creepy simultaneously.
We had a lovely holiday weekend with family at the lake. Some friends even stopped by for a bit to join in on the fun, too. Nothing better than three-day summer weekends.
The other camp the boys attended this week? Pickleball! I love summer camps! The boys have been really enjoying learning a new sport and they’ve even been teaching us. We’re a family that pickleballs now. Pretty great. I know.
The boys have been attending canoeing camp all week. Isn’t that amazing?!? The two of them managed a canoe BY THEMSELVES on day one and have been learning a lot and having a great time ever since. They even have to help carry the canoe out of the water. I’m so impressed.
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